Great Lakes Historical Society collection
Collection Organization
Proceedings, 1952-1969
This series comprises some of the operational records of the Great Lakes Historical Society (GLHS), including minutes, reports, and by-laws. The bulk of the records are minutes and financial reports for the early years of the GLHS in the 1950s-1960s.
- Dates
- Creation: 1952-1969
Minutes, 1953-1967
- Dates
- Creation: 1953-1967
Financial Reports, 1952-1967
- Dates
- Creation: 1952-1967
Code of Regulations and Bylaws, 1954, 1957
- Dates
- Creation: 1954
- Creation: 1957
Correspondence, 1954-1961
- Dates
- Creation: 1954-1961
Museum Operating Committee, 1954-1957
- Dates
- Creation: 1954-1957
Museum Operating Committee, 1958-968
- Dates
- Creation: 1958-968
Special Committee on Finance and Development, 1969
- Dates
- Creation: 1969
Specifications, 1896-1976
Series contains specification documents created by various shipping companies detailing their technical requirements for the building of new vessels. Data normally includes vessel dimensions, cargo capacity, engines, crew accomodations, fuel storage, and many other variables.
- Dates
- Creation: 1896-1976
Specifications CITY OF DETROIT III, 1911
- Dates
- Creation: 1911
J.B. COWLE - Specifications Conversion to Oil Burning, 1959
- Dates
- Creation: 1959
Specifications. Steel Steamer No. 349 HUGH KENNEDY, 1907
- Dates
- Creation: 1907
Specifications. Steel Steamers No. 340 and 341. JOSEPH SELLWOOD and LOFTUS CUDDY, 1906
- Dates
- Creation: 1906
Specifications. Steel Steamer for Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Trans. Co. Nos. 60-61, 507-508, H.G. DALTON (508), 1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
Specifications, Steamer No. 163. HARRY COULBY, 1906
- Dates
- Creation: 1906
Specifications. Steel Steamship for Western Transit Co. Steamer No 64, CORALIA, 1896
- Dates
- Creation: 1896
Specifications. Steel Steamer to Carry Oil in Bulk. Nos. 701, 703, 705 COMET (705), 1912
- Dates
- Creation: 1912
Steel Steamship for the Erie and Western Transit Co. Steamer No. 179, CONEMAUGH, 1909
- Dates
- Creation: 1909
Steel Steamer. No. 155. CONNEAUT, 1916
- Dates
- Creation: 1916
Steel Steamship. Steamer No. 76. ARTHUR H. HAWGOOD, 1907
- Dates
- Creation: 1907
Steel Screw Steamer for the Graham and Morton Co. No. 455. CITY OF GRAND RAPIDS, 1912
- Dates
- Creation: 1912
Three Steel Steamships. Steamers Nos. 73, 517 and 623. HENRY PHIPPS (623), 1907
- Dates
- Creation: 1907
Steel Twin Screw Car Ferry for the P.M. Railroad PERE MARQUETTE 19 (418) and PERE MARQUETTE 20 (419), 1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
Steel Twin Screw Car Ferry for the P.M. Railroad co. No. 412. PERE MARQUETTE 18, 1902
- Dates
- Creation: 1902
Steel Steamships Nos. 66-67- 512 and 615. GOERGE W. PERSKINS (512), 1905
- Dates
- Creation: 1905
Steel Four Screw Car Ferry for the P.M. Railroad Co. No. 156. PERE MARQUETTE 14, 1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
Steel Steamship. Steamer No. 164 SIR THOMAS SHAUGHNESSY, 1901
- Dates
- Creation: 1901
Two Steel Steamships for the Rutland Transit Co. Nos. 432-433 OGDENSBURG (432), RUTLAND (433), 1906
- Dates
- Creation: 1906
One Steel Steamship. No 172 BOWIN N. OHL, 1907
- Dates
- Creation: 1907
Steel Steamship No. 427. WILLIAM A. PAINE, 1905
- Dates
- Creation: 1905
Steel Steamship. Steamers Nos. 325 and 57. WILBURT L. SMITH (325), 1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
Steel Steamship No. 416. SAXONA, 1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
Three Steel Steamships - Steamers Nos. 72, 347, 348. LEGRAND DEGRAFF (347), WILLIAM M. MILLS (348), 1907
- Dates
- Creation: 1907
Steel Steamship. Steamer No. 214, HONDURAS, 1908
- Dates
- Creation: 1908
Steel Steamship for W. A. HAWGOOD, Co. EDWIN F. HOMLES, 1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
Steel Steamship No. 321. H. B. HAWGOOD, 1902
- Dates
- Creation: 1902
Two Steel Steamships. Nos. 344 and 435. HENRY A. HAWGOOD (435), 1906
- Dates
- Creation: 1906
Steel Steamships Nos. 312, 313, 314, 315, 316. F. M. OSBORNE (312), 1901
- Dates
- Creation: 1901
Steel Steamships Nos. 317, 604, 605, 606. ETRURIA (604), 1902
- Dates
- Creation: 1902
Steel Steamships Nos. 609, 610. SINALDA (609), SONOMA (610), 1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
Steel Steamships Nos. 613, 614. SYLVANIA (613), SOCAPA (614), 1905
- Dates
- Creation: 1905
Steel Steamship No. 159. LYMAN C. SMITH, 1905
- Dates
- Creation: 1905
Steel Steamships Nos. 513 and 343. ABRAHAM STEARNS (513), 1906
- Dates
- Creation: 1906
Two Screw Steamships for Trans-Atlantic and Overseas Trade. MINNETONKA (407), MINNEWASKA (408), 1901
- Dates
- Creation: 1901
Steel Steamships Nos. 335, 336. PHILLIP MINCH (335), STEPHEN M. CLEMENT (336), 1905
- Dates
- Creation: 1905
Steel Steamship No. 415, ANNA C. MINCH, 1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
Steel Steamship No. 422. MARTIN MULLEN, 1904
- Dates
- Creation: 1904
Steel Steamship No. 176, A. E. NETTLETON, 1908
- Dates
- Creation: 1908
Steel Steamship No. 177 for Wyandotte Transportation Co. ALPENA, 1909
- Dates
- Creation: 1909
Steel Steamship No. 178, BENJAMIN NOBLE, 1909
- Dates
- Creation: 1909
Steel Steamships Nos. 201 and 318. WILLIAM NOTTINGHAM (201), HAROLD B NYE (318), 1902
- Dates
- Creation: 1902
Steamship No. 363. PRICE MCKINNEY, 1908
- Dates
- Creation: 1908
Two Steel Steamships. GENERAL GERRETSON (621), H.P. MCINTOSH (622), 1907
- Dates
- Creation: 1907
Steamer No. 154. JAMES H. REED, 1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
Steamer No. 165. SAMUEL MATHER, 1906
- Dates
- Creation: 1906
Steel Steamer for Northern Michigan Transportation Co. Steamer No. 65, MICHIGAN CENTRAL, 1884
- Dates
- Creation: 1884
Steamer No. 447, LEONARD B. MILLER, 1910
- Dates
- Creation: 1910
Specifications for Steel Steamer for Eldorado Steamship Co. Steamer No. 205, P.P. MILLER, 1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
Specifications and Request for Bids. O. S. MCFARLAND Repair Work, 1950-1951
- Dates
- Creation: 1950-1951
E.T. WEIR Specifications, 1951
- Dates
- Creation: 1951
Steel Steamer No. 626. W. R. WOODFORD, 1908
- Dates
- Creation: 1908
Steel Steamships Nos. 346, 347, 437, 439, 1906-1907
- Dates
- Creation: 1906-1907
Steel Steamship for Western Transit Co. No. 157 (UTICA), 1904
- Dates
- Creation: 1904
Steel Steamship No. 420 (UMBRIA), 1904
- Dates
- Creation: 1904
Steel Steamship No. 441 (J. E. UPSON), 1908
- Dates
- Creation: 1908
Steel Steamship No. 625 (ALEXIS W. THOMPSON), 1908
- Dates
- Creation: 1908
Steel Steamers Nos. 503 (SULTANA) and 505 (SONORA), 1902
- Dates
- Creation: 1902
Steel Steamship No. 175 (WAINWRIGHT), 1908
- Dates
- Creation: 1908
Specifications for a Steel Steamship for Captain john Mitchell. No. 403 (JOHN J. ALBRIGHT). Nos. 409, 410, 1900, 1902
- Dates
- Creation: 1900
- Creation: 1902
Specifications for a Steel Steamship No. 58 (CHARLES M. WARNER), 1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
Specifications for a Steel Steamship No. 429 (PENDENNIS WHITE), 1905
- Dates
- Creation: 1905
Specifications for a Steel Steamship No. 511 (WISCONSIN), 1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
Steel Steamship for Erie and Western Transit Co. No. 210 (WISSAHICKON), 1907
- Dates
- Creation: 1907
Specifications for a Steel Steamship No. 360 (WILLIAM H. WOLF), 1908
- Dates
- Creation: 1908
Outline Specifications. Lorain Hull 903 (WOLVERINE), 1974
- Dates
- Creation: 1974
Outline Specifications. Lorain Hull 904. Not Built., 1972
- Dates
- Creation: 1972
Specification for Building GREATER DETROIT and GREATER BUFFALO, 1922
- Dates
- Creation: 1922
Boiler, Pumps, and Mechanical Specifications for Unknown Vessel, 1961
- Dates
- Creation: 1961
Steel Steamship No 424 (FRNACIS L. ROBBINS), 1905
- Dates
- Creation: 1905
Steel Steamship No. 357 (B. F. BERRY), 1908
- Dates
- Creation: 1908
Steel Steamships Nos. 365 (ALVA C. DINKEY) and 366 (EUGENE J. BUFFINGTON), 1909
- Dates
- Creation: 1909
Steel Wrecking Tug No. 209 (FAVORITE), 1907
- Dates
- Creation: 1907
Steel Screw Steamer No. 388 (WILLIAM C. AGNEW), 1911
- Dates
- Creation: 1911
Specification for 6 Steel Steamships, 1907
- Dates
- Creation: 1907
Specifications for No. 436 (ANN ARBOR No. 4), 1906
- Dates
- Creation: 1906
Specification for No. 169 (J. H. BARTOW) and No. 170 (CHARLES O. JENKINS), 1907
- Dates
- Creation: 1907
Specifications for Conversion of J. BURTON AYERS for a Self Unloader, 1972
- Dates
- Creation: 1972
Specification for WILLIAM A. REISS Tank Top and Side Tank, 195
- Dates
- Creation: 195
Specifications for Conversion of WILLIAM A. REISS to Oil, 1974
- Dates
- Creation: 1974
Specifications for New Bow Thruster for C. L. AUSTIN, 1963
- Dates
- Creation: 1963
Specifications for Conversion of Great Lakes Towing Tugs to Diesel, undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
Specifications and Drawings for 149' Tankers, 1976
- Dates
- Creation: 1976
Dana T. Bowen collection, 1851-1978
This series contains of the papers of the author Dana Thomas Bowen. Bowen was the author of several Great Lakes books that continue to be popular to this day, including Lore of the Lakes (1940), Memories of the Lakes (1946), and Shipwrecks of the Lakes (1952). The majority of materials consist of scrapbooks assembled by Bowen over the course of several decades of his life, while a smaller number of them were created by others. Most of them are made up of photographs of Great Lakes vessels, while others focus on newspaper clippings. The balance of this series contains Bowen's personal collection of photo negatives, correspondence, and book manuscripts.
- Dates
- Creation: 1851-1978
WILLIAM A. WOLF Mortgage of Enrolled Vessel, 1936
- Dates
- Creation: 1936
Lake Superior Transit Co. Intended Sailings, 1881
- Dates
- Creation: 1881
Trade and Commerce, Buffalo, 1851
- Dates
- Creation: 1851
Bullard's Lake Superior Accidents, Etc., 1847-1930
- Dates
- Creation: 1847-1930
Bowen Photo Album, Brown #2, 1953-1965
- Dates
- Creation: 1953-1965
Edwin Wilson Photos, 1916-956
- Dates
- Creation: 1916-956
Bowen Photo Album #1, Detroit River, 1870-1929
- Dates
- Creation: 1870-1929
Bowen Photo Album #2, Lake Michigan, 1893-1929
- Dates
- Creation: 1893-1929
Bowen Photo Album #3, 1883-1925
- Dates
- Creation: 1883-1925
Bowen Scrapbook "DD", 1974-1978
- Dates
- Creation: 1974-1978
Bowen Scrapbook "CC", 1967-1972
- Dates
- Creation: 1967-1972
Bowen Photo Album #61, 1947-1948
- Dates
- Creation: 1947-1948
Bowen Photo Album Blue, Edwin Wilson Photos, 1943
- Dates
- Creation: 1943
Bowen Scrapbook "E", Part 1 of 2
Bowen Scrapbook "E", Part 2 of 2
Bowen Scrapbook "XX"
Bowen Scrapbook "YY"
Bowen Scrapbook "Grey X"
Bowen Scrapbook "B"
Bowen Scrapbook "C"
Bowen Scrapbook "F"
Bowen Scrapbook "G"
Bowen Scrapbook "H"
Bowen Scrapbook "I"
Bowen Scrapbook "J"
Bowen Scrapbook "K"
Bowen Scrapbook "L"
Bowen Scrapbook "M"
Bowen Scrapbook "O"
Bowen Scrapbook "P"
Bowen Scrapbook "HM"-mainly photographs of the Sault Ste. Marie region
Bowen Scrapbook "BC-2"
Bowen Scrapbook "A"
Captain Carl Rydholm personal scrapbook, 1917-1963
- Dates
- Creation: 1917-1963
Captain Carl Rydholm labor newsclipping scrapbook, 1905-1910
- Dates
- Creation: 1905-1910
Bowen newspaper scrapbook "C"
Thomas Hunter scrapbook, 1915
- Dates
- Creation: 1915
Thomas Hunter scrapbook, 1918-1929
- Dates
- Creation: 1918-1929
Thomas Hunter scrapbook, 1942
- Dates
- Creation: 1942
Bowen "SNAPS" photo album, 1887-1969
- Dates
- Creation: 1887-1969
Bowen scrapbook BC-1
Bowen scrapbook A.B.C.
Bowen album "Green-1"
Bowen scrapbook "BB", part 1 of 2
Bowen scrapbook "BB", part 2 of 2
Bowen photo album "5", part 1 of 2
Bowen photo album "5", part 2 of 2
Bowen photo album "3"
Bowen photo album "Grey-B"
Bowen newspaper scrapbook "F", 1940-1941
- Dates
- Creation: 1940-1941
Bowen newspaper scrapbook "G", 1942
- Dates
- Creation: 1942
Bowen newspaper scrapbook "H", 1943
- Dates
- Creation: 1943
Bowen newspaper scrapbook "I", 1914-1931
- Dates
- Creation: 1914-1931
Bowen newspaper scrapbook "N", 1945
- Dates
- Creation: 1945
Bowen newspaper scrapbook "O", 1945-1946
- Dates
- Creation: 1945-1946
Bowen newspaper scrapbook "P", 1946
- Dates
- Creation: 1946
Bowen family scrapbook
Vessel data journal, vol. I
Bowen vessel data journal, vol. II
Newspaper clippings, 1934-1939
- Dates
- Creation: 1934-1939
Scrapbook of freight and transportation procedures and rates, 1901-1909
- Dates
- Creation: 1901-1909
Newspaper clippings, 1943-1944
- Dates
- Creation: 1943-1944
Newspaper clippings, 1944
- Dates
- Creation: 1944
Newspaper clippings, 1945
- Dates
- Creation: 1945
Bowen photo album "Q", part 1
Bowen photo album "Q", part 2
Bowen photo album "XYZ"
Bowen photo album "STAR 39", part 1
Bowen photo album "STAR 39", part 2
Bowen photo album "28-6"
Vessel data journals and negative index
Newspaper scrapbook, 1940-1943
- Dates
- Creation: 1940-1943
Newspaper scrapbook, 1911-1940
- Dates
- Creation: 1911-1940
Bowen photo album "ZZ"
Memories of the Lakes manuscript, circa 1945
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1945
Correspondence with Captain Frank E. Hamilton and transcripts from Cleveland newspaper articles, 1943
- Dates
- Creation: 1943
Bowen newspaper scrapbook "L", 1944
- Dates
- Creation: 1944
Dana T. Bowen personal file: photographs, newspaper clippings, and correspondence, 1945-1980
- Dates
- Creation: 1945-1980
Correspondence, 1943-1949
- Dates
- Creation: 1943-1949
Correspondence, circa 1940s-1980
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1940s-1980
Correspondence A-B, 1942-1951
- Dates
- Creation: 1942-1951
Correspondence C, 1941-1960
- Dates
- Creation: 1941-1960
Memories of the Lakes publicity and reviews, 1946-1947
- Dates
- Creation: 1946-1947
Shipwrecks of the Lakes manuscript, part 1 of 3, circa 1950-1952
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1950-1952
Shipwrecks of the Lakes manuscript, part 2 of 3, circa 1950-1952
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1950-1952
Shipwrecks of the Lakes manuscript, part 3 of 3, circa 1950-1952
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1950-1952
Lore of the Lakes manuscript, part 1 of 2, circa 1938-1940
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1938-1940
Lore of the Lakes manuscript, part 2 of 2, circa 1938-1940
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1938-1940
Correspondence D-F, 1941-1950
- Dates
- Creation: 1941-1950
Correspondence G, circa 1947-1962
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1947-1962
Correspondence H, circa 1941-1962
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1941-1962
Correspondence I-J, circa 1943-1962
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1943-1962
Correspondence K-L, circa 1941-1963
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1941-1963
Correspondence M, circa 1942-1965
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1942-1965
Correspondence N-O, circa 1941-1952
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1941-1952
Correspondence P-R, circa 1943-1963
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1943-1963
Correspondence S, circa 1944-1961
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1944-1961
Correspondence T, circa 1944-1966
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1944-1966
Correspondence U-V, circa 1946-1961
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1946-1961
Correspondence W, circa 1943-1961
- Dates
- Creation: circa 1943-1961
Correspondence Y, 1942
- Dates
- Creation: 1942
Christmas cards and greetings, 1959-1966
- Dates
- Creation: 1959-1966
File on the LADY LOIS, Bowen's personal boat, 1947-1971
- Dates
- Creation: 1947-1971
Prints of Civil War vessels, undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
Glass plate negative - Rocky River Bridge, 1897
- Dates
- Creation: 1897
Glass plate negative - Rocky River and Lake Erie, 1897
- Dates
- Creation: 1897
Glass plate negative - USS HAWK at Cleveland, June 1903
- Dates
- Creation: June 1903
Glass plate negative - EASTLAND, undated
- Dates
- Creation: undated
Dana T. Bowen negative collection
Manuscript Materials, 1844-1989
This series is the largest and most varied in the GLHS collection. Collecting archival material relating to the history of the Great Llakes region for nearly 80 years has resulted in a wide variety of materials being represented, from shipping company correspondence and specifications to vessel data.
- Arrangement
This series is arranged into the following sub-series:
- 1.
- Brochures and Timetables, 1877-1974
- 2.
- Ship launches and Christenings, 1908-1981
- 3.
- Passenger and Crew Lists, 1907-1980
- 4.
- Collision and accident reports, 1909-1979
- 5.
- Sea trials, 1943-1976
- 6.
- Bradley Transportation Company records, 1883-1909
- 7.
- Lighthouse subject files
- 8.
- U.S. Coast Guard subject files
- 9.
- Logs, 1844-1969
- 10.
- Vessel Lists
- 11.
- Certifications and Licenses, 1849-1982
- 12.
- Subject file for the CARL D. BRADLEY sinking, circa 1958-1959
- 13.
- Other Materials, 1857-1989
- Conditions Governing Access
Some of the volumes in the Bradley Transportation Company records are fragile due to past water damage.
- Dates
- Creation: 1844-1989
Brochures and Timetables, 1877-1974
- Dates
- Creation: 1877-1974
Air Canada, 1974
- Dates
- Creation: 1974
Ashley and Dustin Steamship Line, 1938-1948
- Dates
- Creation: 1938-1948
Arnold Transit Co., 1948
- Dates
- Creation: 1948
Bob-Lo, 1940-1955
- Dates
- Creation: 1940-1955
Canada Steampship Lines, 1943-1959
- Dates
- Creation: 1943-1959
Canadian Pacific, 1940-1964
- Dates
- Creation: 1940-1964
Chicago, Duluth, and Georgian bay Transit Co., 1941-1956
- Dates
- Creation: 1941-1956
Chicago Roosevelt Steamship Co., 1936-1940
- Dates
- Creation: 1936-1940
Cleveland and Buffalo Steamship Co., 1942-1947
- Dates
- Creation: 1942-1947
Cleveland-Canada Steamship Co., 1947
- Dates
- Creation: 1947
Cleveland-Cedar Point Steamship Co., 1944-1945
- Dates
- Creation: 1944-1945
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, 1962
- Dates
- Creation: 1962
The Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company, 1961-1973
- Dates
- Creation: 1961-1973
Detroit and Cleveland Navigation Co., 1942-1947
- Dates
- Creation: 1942-1947
The Erie and Western Transportation Co., 1902, 1913
- Dates
- Creation: 1902
- Creation: 1913
Erie Isle Ferry, 1940, 1947, 1952
- Dates
- Creation: 1940
- Creation: 1947
- Creation: 1952
Gartland Steamship Co., 1933
- Dates
- Creation: 1933
Georgian Bay Line, 1956-1967
- Dates
- Creation: 1956-1967
Georgian Bay Transit and Steamships Limited, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Georgian Bay Tourist Co., Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Goodrich Steamship Lines, 1917
- Dates
- Creation: 1917
Goodtime Boats/Transit Co., 1963, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: 1963, Undated
Great Lakes Transit Co., 1922-1936
- Dates
- Creation: 1922-1936
Inland Lakes Management, Inc, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Island Transportation Co., 1942
- Dates
- Creation: 1942
Lake Michigan Carferry, 1999
- Dates
- Creation: 1999
Lake Superior Transit Co., 1880, 1891
- Dates
- Creation: 1880
- Creation: 1891
Marine Transit, Inc., Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
- Dates
- Creation: 1973
The Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway Co. Canadian National Steamers, 1941
- Dates
- Creation: 1941
North West Transportation Co., 1877
- Dates
- Creation: 1877
The Owen Sound Transportation Co., 1950, 1953, 1972
- Dates
- Creation: 1950
- Creation: 1953
- Creation: 1972
Parker Boat Line Inc., 1955, 1962, 1968
- Dates
- Creation: 1955
- Creation: 1962
- Creation: 1968
Seaway Lines, 1936, 1939, 1941
- Dates
- Creation: 1936
- Creation: 1939
- Creation: 1941
Shepler's Mackinac Island Ferry, 1970, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: 1970, Undated
Southwestern Traction Co., Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Str. FRANK R. DENTON, 1958
- Dates
- Creation: 1958
Str. HEMLOCK, 1908
- Dates
- Creation: 1908
Str. PELEE, 1943-1959
- Dates
- Creation: 1943-1959
- Dates
- Creation: 1961
Straits Transit Inc., 1964-1970
- Dates
- Creation: 1964-1970
S.S. COMET, 1957
- Dates
- Creation: 1957
S.S. MERCURY, 1970
- Dates
- Creation: 1970
Tashmoo Transit Co., 1933
- Dates
- Creation: 1933
United Travel Bureaus, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
WENDELA, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Wisconsin and Michigan Steamship Co., 1942-1969
- Dates
- Creation: 1942-1969
Ship launches and Christenings, 1908-1981
- Dates
- Creation: 1908-1981
WILLIAM J. DELANCEY Christening, April, 1981
- Dates
- Creation: April, 1981
CLIFFS VICTORY Christening Invitation and List of Invitees. Baltimore, MD., March 21, 1951
- Dates
- Creation: March 21, 1951
COLUMBIA STAR Christening Program and Invitation; Courtney Burton Letter., May 8, 1981 and May 20, 1981
- Dates
- Creation: May 8, 1981 and May 20, 1981
CANADIAN ENTERPRISE Christening Press Release, December 8, 1979
- Dates
- Creation: December 8, 1979
SCOTT MISENER Christening Program, May 26, 1954
- Dates
- Creation: May 26, 1954
JOHN SHERWIN Christening Press Release, May 1, 1958
- Dates
- Creation: May 1, 1958
Launch and Christening Brochures, 1908-1980
- Dates
- Creation: 1908-1980
MAERICNA REPUBLIC Christening, 1981
- Dates
- Creation: 1981
Coal base ENERGY FREEDOM Christening, July 29, 1981
- Dates
- Creation: July 29, 1981
ROBERT B. WALLACE Rechristened PETER ROBERTSON, July 28, 1957
- Dates
- Creation: July 28, 1957
EDWIN H. GOTT Information Booklet and Luncheon Program, 1978
- Dates
- Creation: 1978
ALGOPORT Launching and Christening, May 7, 1979
- Dates
- Creation: May 7, 1979
DETROIT EDISON launching and Christening, September 9, 1954
- Dates
- Creation: September 9, 1954
LOUIS R. DESMARAIS Information Booklet, 1977
- Dates
- Creation: 1977
ERNEST R. BREECH Naming Ceremony, 1962
- Dates
- Creation: 1962
LEWIS WILSON FOY Christening Program, April 22, 1978
- Dates
- Creation: April 22, 1978
JOHN J. BOLAND Launching and Christening, May 9, 1953
- Dates
- Creation: May 9, 1953
EDWARD L. RYERSON Information Booklet, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
LEON FACK JR. Christening Program, July 20, 1961
- Dates
- Creation: July 20, 1961
WILLIAM R. ROESCH Christening Ceremony and Crew List, June 22, 1973
- Dates
- Creation: June 22, 1973
COURTNEY BURTON Rechristening, July 29, 1979
- Dates
- Creation: July 29, 1979
Cleveland Stevedore Co. Brochure, Two Photos, 1975-1977
- Dates
- Creation: 1975-1977
Bay Shipbuilding Corp. Christening, July 24, 1977
- Dates
- Creation: July 24, 1977
International G.C. Shipping Co., 1970
- Dates
- Creation: 1970
Pittsburgh Steamship Co., Annual Dinners, 1911-1947
- Dates
- Creation: 1911-1947
Beacon and Eggs Guide, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
JAMES R. BARKER Christening, August 1976
- Dates
- Creation: August 1976
EDWARD B. GREENE Launch Press Release, January, 1952
- Dates
- Creation: January, 1952
Passenger and Crew Lists, 1907-1980
- Dates
- Creation: 1907-1980
Georgian Bay Line Passenger Tariffs and Schedules, 1939-1961
- Dates
- Creation: 1939-1961
Georgian Bay Lines Tickets, 1948-1951, 1956
- Dates
- Creation: 1948-1951
- Creation: 1956
Crew Lists - THOMAS W. LAMONT; T.F. COLE, 1969 and 1977, 1972
- Dates
- Creation: 1969 and 1977
- Creation: 1972
GOVENER MILLER Crew List, 1973
- Dates
- Creation: 1973
Paul Murray Employee ID Card, 1950
- Dates
- Creation: 1950
LEON FRASER Crew Books, 1975-1976
- Dates
- Creation: 1975-1976
A.H. FERBERT Crew Book, 1980
- Dates
- Creation: 1980
Cleveland Tankers Inc., Ship Personnel Lists, 1960-1961
- Dates
- Creation: 1960-1961
Columbia Transportation Co. Personnel Lists, 1952, 1956-1957
- Dates
- Creation: 1952
- Creation: 1956-1957
Cleveland Cliffs Co. Personnel List, 1960-1961
- Dates
- Creation: 1960-1961
Almon Brocksieker Appointments, Pittsburgh Steamship Division, 1936-1980
- Dates
- Creation: 1936-1980
Personnel Lists, Pittsburgh Steamship Division, USS; USS Great Lake Fleet, 1941-1980
- Dates
- Creation: 1941-1980
Kinsman Marine Transit Co. Captains and Chief Engineer List, Industry Contact Directories, 1973-1975
- Dates
- Creation: 1973-1975
International Seamen's Union Book. George Tusa., 1935-1936
- Dates
- Creation: 1935-1936
Directory of Passengers Aboard the SOUTH AMERICAN Seaway Cruise, September 9-16, 1958
- Dates
- Creation: September 9-16, 1958
Passenger List for St. Lawrence Seaway -- Pan-American Games Conference Cruise Aboard the SOUTH AMERICAN, September 7-10, 1956
- Dates
- Creation: September 7-10, 1956
Record of Captains and Engineers with Salaries -- Cleveland Iron Mining Co. and Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., 1889-1903
- Dates
- Creation: 1889-1903
BENJAMIN F. FAIRLESS Crew Book; LCA Crew Lists, 1970, 1960-1967
- Dates
- Creation: 1970
- Creation: 1960-1967
Pittsburgh Steamship Co. Crew Lists, 1938-1976
- Dates
- Creation: 1938-1976
Pittsburgh Steamship Co. Appointments, 1907-1965
- Dates
- Creation: 1907-1965
Collision and accident reports, 1909-1979
- Dates
- Creation: 1909-1979
SELWOOD - LIVINGSTONE Incident, September 11, 1909
- Dates
- Creation: September 11, 1909
WILLIS L. KING - SHENANGO Collision: Arbitration Documents, May 30, 1926, 1926-1931
- Dates
- Creation: May 30, 1926
- Creation: 1926-1931
NIAGARA, J.E. UPSON, LORAIN Collision: Attorney's Report and Witness Statements, December 1, 1925, January 23, 1926
- Dates
- Creation: December 1, 1925
- Creation: January 23, 1926
District Court Opinion Regarding MEPTUNE, LAKE SHORE, and ALEXANDER MAITLAND, December 15, 1916
- Dates
- Creation: December 15, 1916
WICKWIRE - TOLEDO - GEORGIA Incident, June 2, 1923
- Dates
- Creation: June 2, 1923
CARMI A. THOMPSON Incident Documents, 1948-1951
- Dates
- Creation: 1948-1951
SATURN - NORTHERN QUEEN Incident, 1909-1910
- Dates
- Creation: 1909-1910
MARY ELPHICKE - R. L. IRELAND Collision, September 22, 1909
- Dates
- Creation: September 22, 1909
SENATOR - NORMAN B. REAM Collision, August 23, 1909
- Dates
- Creation: August 23, 1909
ENGLAND - ZENITH CITY Collison, May 16, 1916
- Dates
- Creation: May 16, 1916
W.L. BROWN Incident, 1923-1929
- Dates
- Creation: 1923-1929
BURLINGTON Freight Dispute, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
JOHN J. BARLUM - SHAWMUT Collision, September 30, 1909
- Dates
- Creation: September 30, 1909
EDWIN L. BOOTH - TENNESSEE Incident, August 26, 1920
- Dates
- Creation: August 26, 1920
GENE C. HUTCHINSON Injury Claim, 1960
- Dates
- Creation: 1960
Great Lakes Towing Company Legal Documents with Several Towing Companies, 1915
- Dates
- Creation: 1915
Great Lakes Towing Company Legal Documents Regarding Dock at St. Ignace, 1896-1939
- Dates
- Creation: 1896-1939
Admiralty Law, c. 1968
- Dates
- Creation: c. 1968
Kinsman Marine Transit Co. District Court Opinion Regarding FERRIS - WEIR Collision, 1967
- Dates
- Creation: 1967
HUBBARD - MAITLAND Collision, September 27, 1924
- Dates
- Creation: September 27, 1924
CRAWFORD - WILSON Accident, Huron, OH, 21 Pages, 1948
- Dates
- Creation: 1948
CARTIERCLIFFEE HALL. Report of Fire Investigation, June 5, 1979
- Dates
- Creation: June 5, 1979
Attorney Lee C. Hinslea Correspondence: Includes Correspondence Regarding CEDARVILLE Case, 1968-1969
- Dates
- Creation: 1968-1969
Arbitration Decision regarding LUPUS - NEWBOLD Incident, May 11, 1923
- Dates
- Creation: May 11, 1923
Counsel's Opinion Regarding SAGAMORE, MARUBA, BUFFALO Incident, September 16, 1909, February 2, 1910
- Dates
- Creation: September 16, 1909
- Creation: February 2, 1910
Towing Charge Dispute Regarding W.G. POLLOCK to W, 8 Pages, November 15, 1923
- Dates
- Creation: November 15, 1923
Official Transcript. Investigation of the Grounding of the J. L. MAUTHE, May 6, 1969
- Dates
- Creation: May 6, 1969
HENRY STEINBRENNER - JOHN ERICSSON Collision: Arbitration Documents, September 13, 1920, 1920-1923
- Dates
- Creation: September 13, 1920
- Creation: 1920-1923
HENRY STEINBRENNER - HARRY A. BERWIND Collision: Documents, December 5, 1909
- Dates
- Creation: December 5, 1909
CLIFFORD MOLL - WILLIAM H. MEYER Collision: Documents, May 29, 1920, 1921-1925
- Dates
- Creation: May 29, 1920
- Creation: 1921-1925
Loss of Carferry MILWAUKEE: Copy of Report by Local Inspector, October 22, 1929, November 16, 1929
- Dates
- Creation: October 22, 1929
- Creation: November 16, 1929
NIAGARA - KEYPORT Salvage Services Dispute, November 29, 1924
- Dates
- Creation: November 29, 1924
LEONARD B. MILLER - VICTORY Collision: Harvey Goulder Letter, May 20, 1912, June 24, 1912
- Dates
- Creation: May 20, 1912
- Creation: June 24, 1912
PHILLIP MINCH, PHILETUS SAWYER, HARRY R. JONES Collision: Attorney's Report, June 7, 1923, June 21, 1923
- Dates
- Creation: June 7, 1923
- Creation: June 21, 1923
WILLIAM P. SNYDER JR. Towing Services Dispute, September 3, 1920
- Dates
- Creation: September 3, 1920
SNYDER - STIFEL - NORTON - TROXEL Settlement, 1924-1927
- Dates
- Creation: 1924-1927
HAROLD B. NYE - W. E. FITZGERALD Incident, July 25, 1919
- Dates
- Creation: July 25, 1919
LOUIS HILL Incident, November 17, 1919
- Dates
- Creation: November 17, 1919
FRANK SEITHER - Tow Raft Incident, August 9, 1923
- Dates
- Creation: August 9, 1923
Captain C. O. Rydholm - Letter Regarding Dismissal of Charges in HURON - OSBORNE Incident, November 8, 1916
- Dates
- Creation: November 8, 1916
RICHARD TRIMBLE - YUMA Collision: Statement by TRIMBLE's Captain Frank Rice; Loading Instructions for TRIMBLE, July 24, 1916
- Dates
- Creation: July 24, 1916
JOHN A. TOPPING - WORRELL CLARKSON Collision, September 5, 1926
- Dates
- Creation: September 5, 1926
ALEX B. UHRIG - PERE MARQUETTE Incident, July 22, 1925
- Dates
- Creation: July 22, 1925
ALEXIS W. THOMPSON - W. J. FILBERT Collision, August 4, 1920
- Dates
- Creation: August 4, 1920
FRANCIS WIDLAR - Dredge incident, August 12, 1910
- Dates
- Creation: August 12, 1910
CRAWFORD - TENNESSEE - VERMONT - WILSON Incident, March 27, 1948
- Dates
- Creation: March 27, 1948
DULUTH - A. E. R. SCHNEIDER Collision, July 6, 1923
- Dates
- Creation: July 6, 1923
JOHN A. DONALDSON Incidents, 1912, 1925
- Dates
- Creation: 1912
- Creation: 1925
THOMAS ADAMS - Dredge Incident, 1909-1910
- Dates
- Creation: 1909-1910
ELMORE - BARLUM - ERIC W. Incident, May 21, 1920
- Dates
- Creation: May 21, 1920
- Dates
- Creation: June 7, 1923
ROBBINS - raft Collision, 1910-1912
- Dates
- Creation: 1910-1912
FRONTENAC Grounding; Marine Accident Report; Trial Briefs, 1980, 1983
- Dates
- Creation: 1980
- Creation: 1983
NISBET GRAMMER - DALWARNIC Collision: Petition for Limitation of Liability, 1927
- Dates
- Creation: 1927
Tomlinson Fleet Corp. Notices to Stockholders Regarding SYLVANIA Collision; Dissolution, 1967, 1971-1972
- Dates
- Creation: 1967
- Creation: 1971-1972
- Dates
- Creation: 1969
Kelley Island Lime and Transport Co. Trial Brief, 1930
- Dates
- Creation: 1930
Admiralty Law, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Brief Regarding SHIRAS - TEWKSBURY Collision, 1964
- Dates
- Creation: 1964
STEWART J. CORT: Fact Sheet, Etc., 1971-1975
- Dates
- Creation: 1971-1975
CARLE C. CONWAY: Inspection, Load Line, Etc., 1963
- Dates
- Creation: 1963
Sea trials, 1943-1976
- Dates
- Creation: 1943-1976
ROBERT C. STANLEY. GLEW Hull 294, U.S. Maritime Commission Hull 585, 1943
- Dates
- Creation: 1943
J. L. MAUTHE, 1953
- Dates
- Creation: 1953
J. H. HILLMAN JR., 1943
- Dates
- Creation: 1943
JAMES R. BARKER Sea Trial Agenda, July 1976
- Dates
- Creation: July 1976
WOLVERINE Sea Trial Agenda, October 1974
- Dates
- Creation: October 1974
Bradley Transportation Company records, 1883-1909
- Dates
- Creation: 1883-1909
Bradley Transportation Co., 1883-1898
- Dates
- Creation: 1883-1898
M.A. Bradley Letterpress Book, December 1985 - July 1986
- Dates
- Creation: December 1985 - July 1986
M.A. Bradley Letterpress Book, 1898-1899
- Dates
- Creation: 1898-1899
M.A. Bradley Letterpress Book, 1899
- Dates
- Creation: 1899
M.A. Bradley Letterpress Book, September 1899 - March 1900
- Dates
- Creation: September 1899 - March 1900
M.A. Bradley Letterpress Book, 1900
- Dates
- Creation: 1900
M.A. Bradley Letterpress Book, April - June 1900
- Dates
- Creation: April - June 1900
M.A. Bradley Letterpress Book, 1904
- Dates
- Creation: 1904
M.A. Bradley Letterpress Book, July 1904 - October 1906
- Dates
- Creation: July 1904 - October 1906
M.A. Bradley Letterpress Book, 1908
- Dates
- Creation: 1908
M.A. Bradley Letterpress Book, March - October 1909
- Dates
- Creation: March - October 1909
M.A. Bradley Letters and Telegrams, September 1894 - June 1895
- Dates
- Creation: September 1894 - June 1895
Lighthouse subject files
Lake Erie
Ashtabula, OH, 1835
- Dates
- Creation: 1835
Ashtabula West Pierhead, 1916
- Dates
- Creation: 1916
Barcelona Lighthouse - Barcelona, N.Y., Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Bar Point Light - Detroit River - MI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
BAY VILLAGE Lighthouse, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Black River, September 1837
- Dates
- Creation: September 1837
Belle Isle Lighthouse - Detroit, MI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Bob-Lo Island Light - Detroit River, MI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Buffalo, NY, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
BUFFALO Lighthouse, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
CEDAR POINT Light, 1867
- Dates
- Creation: 1867
Cleveland (W. 9th and Main), 1872
- Dates
- Creation: 1872
Cleveland East Pier, 1910
- Dates
- Creation: 1910
Cleveland, 1872
- Dates
- Creation: 1872
Cleveland - West Pierhead Light, 1910
- Dates
- Creation: 1910
Cleveland - East Pierhead Light, 1911
- Dates
- Creation: 1911
Cleveland Lighthouse and Life Saving Station, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Colchester Reef Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Comfort Island Shoal, Light #69 - Detroit MI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
CONNEAUT Lighthouse, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Detroit River Wm. Livingston Memorial Light; Gibralter Lighthouse; Grassy Island, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
DUNKIRK - NY, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
ERIE - PA, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Fairpoint Harbor (Near Painesville, OH), 1871
- Dates
- Creation: 1871
FAIRPORT - Grand River Lighthouse, 1825-1869
- Dates
- Creation: 1825-1869
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Huron, OH - West Pierhead, 1857
- Dates
- Creation: 1857
Huron, OH - West Pierhead (Possibly after c.1899 Rebuild), Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Huron - OH, 1936
- Dates
- Creation: 1936
Kingsville Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Long Point Ontario Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Lorain Lighthouse, West Breakwater Light, 1917
- Dates
- Creation: 1917
Lorain Lighthouse Plans, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Lorain, OH, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Marblehead Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Marblehead, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Maumee Bay Range Lights Toledo, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Monroe Lighthouse, 1859
- Dates
- Creation: 1859
Paseos Point Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Pelee Passage Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Point Abino Light - Ontario, Canada, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Port Burwell, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Port Clinton Light Station (Book of Specifications), Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Port Dover Front Range Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Portland Harbor Lighthouse - Barcelona, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Presque Isle Light - Erie, PA, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Put-In-Bay, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Rondeau Light - Ontario, Canada, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Sandusky Lighthouse, 1859
- Dates
- Creation: 1859
Sandusky Bay Outer Range Rear Light - Sandusky, OH, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Sandusky Bay Front Range Light - Sandusky, OH, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
South Bass Island Light (Put-In-Bay), Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
South Buffalo - Southside, NY, 1903, 1945
- Dates
- Creation: 1903
- Creation: 1945
Southeast Shoal Lighthouse, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Vermilion Lighthouse, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Vermilion, OH, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
West Sister Island, OH, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Lake Ontario
Lighthouse Guide, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
BARTLETT POINT Light, NY, St. Lawrence Seaway, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
BAY STATE SHOAL, Ont. Canada, St. Lawrence River, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
BRADDOCK POINT Lighthouse, NY, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
BURLINGTON BAY Light, Burlington, Ont. Canada, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Chantry Island, Ont., 1986
- Dates
- Creation: 1986
CHARITY SHOALS (Old Vermilion), Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
CHARLOTTE Lighthouse, Genesee River, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
EASTERN GAP Light - Toronto, Ont., July 21, 1945
- Dates
- Creation: July 21, 1945
ERIEAU Lighthouse - Chatham, Ont., Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
FORT NIAGARA Light, NY, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
GALLOO ISLAND Light, NY, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
GENESEE Lighthouse, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
GIBRALTAR POINT Lighthouse - Toronto, Ont., Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
MIDDLE Island, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
MOHAWK ISLAND Light, Ont., Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
NINE MILE POINT Lighthouse, Sincoe Island (near Kingston), Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
NOTTAWASAGA Island, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
OAKVILLE Lighthouse - Oakville, Ont., Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
OLCOTT Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
OSWEGO, NY Lighthouse, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
POINT MISSISSAUGA Lighthouse, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
PORT DALHOUSIE Lighthouse - Port Dalhousie, Ont., 1962
- Dates
- Creation: 1962
QUEEN'S WHARF Lighthouse (Toronto's Harbor Entrance), Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
ROCHESTER Lighthouse Pierhead Light, NY, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
ROCK ISALND PASSAGE Light, NY, St. Lawrence River, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
SELKIRK Lighthouse, Salmon River Centers, St. Lawrence River (near Cornwall), Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
SODUS BAY Light, NY, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
THIRTY MILE POINT (Golden Hill State Park) Somerset, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
TIBBETS POINT Lighthouse - Cape Vincent, NY, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
WINDMILL POINT Lighthouse - Prescott, Ont., St. Lawrence River, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Lake St. Clair
ST. CLAIR Flats, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
THAMES RIVER - Rear Range Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
UPPER LIGHT, St. Clair River, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Lake Michigan
ALGOMA North Pierhead, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
BEAVER ISLAND Lighthouse - Beaver Island, MI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
BIG SABLE Light, MI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
CANA ISLAND Lighthouse - Door County, WI (near Bailey's Harbor), Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
CHICAGO HARBOR Lighthouse - Chicago, IL, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
EAGLE BLUFF Lighthouse - Green Bay Area, WI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
ROBERT H. MANNING Memorial Lighthouse - Empire, MI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
ESCANABA Lighthouse - Escanaba, MI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
FRANKFORT HARBOR Light - Frankfort, MI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
GARY BREAKWATER Light - Gary, IN, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
GRAND HAVEN, MI Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
GRAND TRAVERSE Light Station, MI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
GRAYS REEF Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
Green Island Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
GROSSE POINT Lighthouse - Evanston, IL, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
HARBOR POINT Lighthouse - Harbor Point, MI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
HOLLAND, MI. Light, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated
ILE AUX GALETS Light, MI, Undated
- Dates
- Creation: Undated