Fulton County Home Agent records
Collection Organization
The records of the Fulton County Home Agent document the history and activities of extension work from 1936 through 1965, with gaps in 1944 and 1945, 1953 through 1962, and 1964. The annual reports include statistical and narrative reports of the year's activities of extension agents and clubs and also give some background information.
The reports include statements on policy, procedure, and organization plus reports of programs and demonstrations on food preparation and preservation, nutrition, grooming, clothing construction and care, home furnishing and care, home and farm management and economics, gardening and landscaping, crops, livestock, conservation, and community affairs, and participation in county and state fairs, achievement days, tours, camps, picnics, and Homemakers' Chorus. Child development and family relations were topics added later. Also included are information on publicity, examples of letters mailed out, some photographs, and maps with club locations. The agent also reported on talks given to meetings of the Farm Bureau, Farmers' Institutes, garden and literary clubs, home economics classes and Future Homemakers of America, Granges, YWCA, and a Child Study Group, and cooperation with the Red Cross, County Health Nurse, and Victory Garden program, and Tuberculosis and Crippled Children Drives. Recommendations were made for the improvement of extension programs.
The earlier narrative reports also cover such topics as changes in the crops grown and livestock raised, women working, seasonal labor, industry, strikes, strike-idle workers, economic conditions, farm ownership, average farm size, gross farm income, home and farm improvements, wartime shortages and programs, geological formation of the county, early drainage techniques, and population distribution. The report for 1939 includes a copy of the report of the county agent for 1918, the first year such a position existed.
A combined statistical report with the county agricultural agent included periodically through the 1940's contains numerical information on clubs, members, demonstrations and meetings, home visits, phone calls, publicity, tours, achievement days, camps, farm and home management, weed control, game conservation, soil testing, and youth projects in crops, gardening, livestock, poultry, and bees. Together the reports contain a wide variety of economic and sociological data.
Annual Report, 1936
- Dates
- Creation: 1936
Annual Report, 1937
- Dates
- Creation: 1937
Annual Report, 1938
- Dates
- Creation: 1938
Annual Report, 1939, 1918
- Dates
- Creation: 1939
- Creation: 1918
Annual Report (2 copies), 1940
- Dates
- Creation: 1940
Annual Report, 1941
- Dates
- Creation: 1941
Annual Report, 1942
- Dates
- Creation: 1942
Annual Report, 1943
- Dates
- Creation: 1943
Annual Report, 1946
- Dates
- Creation: 1946
Annual Report, 1947
- Dates
- Creation: 1947
Annual Report, 1948
- Dates
- Creation: 1948
Annual Report, 1949
- Dates
- Creation: 1949
Annual Report, 1950
- Dates
- Creation: 1950
Annual Report, 1951
- Dates
- Creation: 1951
Annual Report, 1952
- Dates
- Creation: 1952
Annual Report, 1963
- Dates
- Creation: 1963
Annual Report, 1965
- Dates
- Creation: 1965